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As a {INSERT SHOW NAME HERE} attendee, we know you value the latest information on wellness, industry trends, and tips to maximize revenue. That is why we want to offer you this complimentary digital edition of American Spa magazine. In it you will find an inside look at a longtime San Francisco day spa in Marin Country Mart. |
Plus, discover the benefits of niacin-based products and services, the anti-aging effects of body treatments, and why sulfur is one of the most effective natural ingredients for fighting acne. |
You’ll also find out how to choose a worthy Breast Cancer Awareness charity to support this October. |
Columns |
In the Mix: Sulfur |
Eye On: Anti-Aging Body Treatments |
Skin Deep: Niacin |
Success Stories: The Spa at Whiteface Lodge (Lake Placid, NY) |
Special Section: Breast Cancer Awareness |
In Focus |
International Orange Marin (Larkspur, CA) |